Journal Publication

Proceeding Publication

All abstracts accepted for presentation in this conference will be Double Peer Blind Reviewed and will be published in the conference proceeding with an ISBN.

Publication Opportunity in Conference Associated Journals:

All papers of this conference will also be reviewed jointly by the Conference review panel and respective Journal reviewing teams. All the selected authors will be offered for publication in our associated journal (free of cost) or SCOPUS (Elsevier), Web of Science™ Core Collection, ESCI indexed associated journals (paid) subject to the compliance with journal’s guidelines, terms and conditions. The associated journals will publish the selected articles in their special/regular issues dedicated for this conference.
International Journal Publication in SCOPUS (Elsevier), Web of Science™ Core Collection, ESCI indexed Journals on the request by the author. In such case, it may take 4 to 6 months for the review and publication process. It can be higher than the mentioned dates (more than 6 months) if the queue for publication is long at the Publisher side.
The Peer Review & other indexing Conference associated International Journals takes minimum 25 to 45 days to complete the review process and publication after the conference, and may be delayed sometimes as it depends upon the publisher based on upcoming issues.​

Journal Publication details & Terms & Conditions will be provided in the acceptance letter.
Following Journals are associated with this conference:​


Academy of Management Journal, ISSN: 00014273, SCOPUS-Q1
Academy of Management Learning and Education, ISSN: 1537260X, SCOPUS- Q1
Academy of Management Perspectives, ISSN: 15589080, SCOPUS-Q1
Journal of International Business Studies, ISSN: 00472506, SCOPUS-Q1
Journal of Positive Psychology, ISSN: 17439760, SCOPUS-Q1
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, ISSN: 13540602, SCOPUS-Q1
Journal of Competition Law and Economics , ISSN: 17446414, SCOPUS-Q1
International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, ISSN: 18347649, SCOPUS-Q2
Management and Production Engineering Review, ISSN: 20808208, SCOPUS-Q2
Science Progress, ISSN: 00368504, SCOPUS-Q2
Journal of English Studies, ISSN: 15766357, SCOPUS-Q2
Economics and Sociology, ISSN: 2071789X, SCOPUS-Q2
International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, ISSN: 1758938X, SCOPUS-Q3
Language and History, ISSN: 17597536, SCOPUS-Q3
International Review of Sociology, ISSN: 03906701, SCOPUS-Q3
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, ISSN: 22011323, SCOPUS-Q3
International Business and Management, ISSN: 1876066X, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management , ISSN: 17418763, SCOPUS-Q4
Universal Journal of Educational Research, ISSN: 23323213, SCOPUS-Q4
Civil Engineering and Architecture, ISSN: 23321121, SCOPUS-Q4
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , ISSN: 23323299, SCOPUS-Q4
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 23323361, SCOPUS-Q4
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 23323361, SCOPUS-Q4
Journal of the Social Sciences, ISSN: 02531097, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 22783075, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology, ISSN: 22498958, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Recent Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 22773878, SCOPUS -Q4
Journal of Intelligent Systems, ISSN: 2191026X, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, ISSN: 17438195, SCOPUS-Q4
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, ISSN: 23956518, SCOPUS-Q4
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, ISSN : 21565570, WoS, SCOPUS
WORK- A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, ISSN : 18759270, WoS, SCOPUS
Automatika ‒ Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, ISSN : 18483380, ESCI/SCOPUS & Taylor & Francis
Behaviour & Information Technology, ISSN : 13623001, ESCI/SCOPUS & Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, ISSN: 2286959X, Elsevier-SSRN
International Journal of Crime, Law and Social Issues, ISSN: 23510854, Elsevier-SSRN
Asian Administration and Management Review, ISSN: 25396331, Elsevier-SSRN
Anusandhan Vatika, ISSN: 22308938
Patliputra journal of Indology, ISSN: 2320531x
Ithas Anusandhan, ISSN: 97881910
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management, ISSN: 24549150
International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, ISSN: 24542415
Linguistics and Literature Studies, ISSN: 23316438
Sociology and Anthropology, ISSN: 23316187
Advances in Economics and Business, ISSN: 23315075
Universal Journal of Management, ISSN: 23319577
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISSN: 23481269
Journal of Management Research and Analysis, ISSN: 23942770
International Journal of Research in Social Science, ISSN: 22492496
International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN: 22500588
Journal of Management Research and Analysis, ISSN: 23942770
International Journal Of Advance And Innovative Research, ISSN: 23947780
International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics, ISSN: 26852691
South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, ISSN: 23497858